Three Reasons Not to Use Over-the-Counter Teeth Whitening Products

Teeth Whitening Huntsville, AL

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products can cause teeth sensitivity, gum irritation, and undesirable results. Instead, it is best to visit a licensed dentist for teeth whitening treatment. They can ensure the safety and effectiveness of teeth whitening treatment. 

The disadvantages of using over-the-counter teeth whitening

While it may be tempting to try and save a few dollars on a store-bought whitening kit, it is not a recommended way to improve your smile due to the risks and potential side effects. The following are three disadvantages of using over-the-counter teeth whitening rather than visiting the dentist for professional treatment.

They are not as effective as professional treatment

Perhaps most notably, over-the-counter teeth whitening is not nearly as effective as professional teeth whitening. This can be contributed to several factors. First, the bleaching gel used in over-the-counter products is typically not the same or as strong as those used in professional treatment. 

In addition, they are applied with little to no professional guidance, so user error is much higher when using store-bought products. This not only affects the quality of the treatment but also the safety (see below). The treatment process is also more difficult with many store-bought products, leading many to give up treatment before it is finished. This is also largely due to the fact that many store-bought products require you to use them for a while before achieving noticeable results. 

They may cause teeth sensitivity and gum irritation

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products are also less safe. Many people use over-the-counter whitening products without a recommendation to do so from a dentist. This means they could have oral health concerns that cause side effects when the bleach is used, such as weakened or eroded teeth enamel. Most notably, this causes teeth sensitivity. If the whitening products are not applied correctly, then gum irritation can occur as well. The best-case scenario when this occurs is that the user experiences discomfort, and in more severe cases it causes an oral health concern that requires treatment from a dentist. 

The results are not as strong and do not last as long

It takes a while to see the results from over-the-counter teeth whitening products. In addition, they do not provide quality results the same as professional whitening does. The results achieved also do not last nearly as long as professional, in-office teeth whitening. On average, the results of over-the-counter whitening products lasts from three to six months, whereas the results of in-office whitening typically last for over a year. Therefore, while you may save some money initially through over-the-counter whitening kits, you also have to purchase new kits more often, whereas you only need one whitening procedure per year with professional teeth whitening. 

Talk to a licensed dentist about professional teeth whitening

The best way to safely brighten your smile is with professional teeth whitening from a licensed dentist that offers treatment. Schedule a visit with our practice today to discuss teeth whitening and find out if it is the right option for your cosmetic goals.

Request an appointment here: or call Balmoral Dental Center at (256) 660-3094 for an appointment in our Huntsville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Whitening in Huntsville, AL.

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